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Help Center

If you can't find what you're looking for in our FAQs please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.

Visit the FAQs to find answers to common questions.

If you need a little more help, contact us

We appreciate that you trust us with your information, and we intend to always keep that trust. Read our privacy policy to understand the information we collect, why we collect it, how it is used and your choices regarding your information. 

We're sorry if you're experiencing any difficulties with our app. We strive to provide a seamless user experience for our app, but if you encounter any issues or bugs, please let us know. Reporting a problem helps our team to identify and resolve issues quickly, ensuring the best possible user experience for all our users.

Discover how Teepee can benefit your business. Our user guide provides a comprehensive overview of the app's features and how to use them. 

The End User License Agreement (EULA) outlines the terms and conditions for the use of the app. By downloading or using the app, users agree to be bound by the EULA. The agreement typically covers issues such as intellectual property rights, limitations of liability, and restrictions on usage.

We value your opinion and welcome your feedback on our app. Sharing your thoughts with us helps us improve and provide a better user experience for everyone. Let us know what you love, what you'd like to see improved, or any new features you'd like to suggest.

At Teepee we’re always identifying ways to help make our community as secure as possible for everyone, and a respectful interaction is a top priority for us. Our Terms & Conditions set the ground rules to create and keep a safe community.

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